AEC is pleased to announce the 2018 Faculty Excellence in Universal Design winner: Bob Choquette!

Bob is a Senior Instructor in Planning, Public Policy and Management. Bob is doing what AEC wants every instructor to do: demonstrate a willingness to ask and then listen to student concerns, and take these concerns up in the structure of the course. Bob has allowed flexibility with assessment methods in each class, providing multiple ways that students can show what they know (student-led presentations, improv, short written assignments, and no timed exams in class). Bob’s strategies for engagement help students identify and implement the relevance of their coursework in life beyond the classroom. AEC is impressed with Bob’s expertise in reducing the need for formal accommodations, and thus the need for AEC on campus.
In June 2018, Jayanth Banavar, UO Provost and Senior Vice President, presented Bob with AEC’s 2018 Faculty Excellence in Universal Design award. Also in attendance were PPPM faculty, as well as Hilary Gerdes, Senior Director of AEC, and Melanie Muenzer, UO Associate Vice President and Vice Provost for Academic Initiatives.
To nominate an instructor for the 2019 Faculty Excellence in Universal Design award, please complete a nomination form. Students, faculty, and staff are welcome to nominate any instructor dedicated to increasing access for students with disabilities in the college learning environment! Nominations will be accepted through April 5, 2019. For more information about universal design for learning, please visit Universal Design for Learning.