AEC Connect

Instructions for using AEC Connect:


*AEC Connect has a new look from a software update launched June 2024! Please review the updated instructions below.*

Trouble logging in? Go to to manage your Duck ID or reset your password. If you still cannot log in, contact AEC.

Instructions For Students:

Sending Notification Letters:

A notification letter is the official communication to faculty outlining the appropriate accommodations established for an individual student. Notification letters must be sent in order for students to utilize their accommodations. Therefore, students are encouraged to send notification letters during the first week of the term. To view your established accommodations, log in to AEC Connect and click "My Eligibility" on the left toolbar.

  1. Log in to AEC Connect with your DuckID and password. This will take you to your Dashboard.   
  2. Find the box titled “Your To Do List”. 
  3. Click “Request Accommodations”. 
  4. Check the box next to each class you’d like to use accommodations in and click “Apply the same accommodations to all selected courses” if you would like to utilize the same accommodations for all classes. Next, click “Continue to Next Step”. 
  5. Select the accommodations you’d like to use for each class and click “Submit Requests”.  
  6. Make sure that total “Number of Requests” appears above “View Request Detail”. 
  7. Notification letters are automatically sent out through AEC Connect after requests are submitted, as long as an instructor of record is listed for the class in DuckWeb. 
File Download these instructions for sending notification letters with screenshot examples here.


Modifying and Resending Notification Letters

Students may need to modify the accommodations included in their notification letter(s) and resend these letters to their instructor(s). There is an easy way to do this in AEC Connect.

  1. Log in to AEC Connect with your DuckID and password. This will take you to your Dashboard. Find the box titled “Accommodation Requests” and select “View Request Detail”. 
  2. This will take you to the “Accommodations Requests” page. Find the course you would like to modify the notification letter for and select “Modify Request”.  
  3. Next, find the box titled “Select Accommodations” and select the new accommodations you would like to utilize for this course.  
  4. Once you have selected your new accommodations, click “Update Request”.  
  5. Once you are done, you will see a notification at the top of the screen that says, “Success! Your action has been completed.”  
  6. Your request will be reviewed and approved by AEC staff within the next business day. Once approved, the instructor of the class will receive an updated notification letter and you will also receive an emailed copy. 
File Download these instructions for modifying and resending notification letters with screenshot examples here.


Submitting Exam Requests:

Exam requests are submitted in AEC Connect for each exam that students want to take in the testing center to receive their accommodations. AEC works with the University Testing Center, located in Knight Library 31, to administer accommodation exams. Students are encouraged to submit exam requests ASAP each term. You can always modify or cancel a request later.

  1. Log in to AEC Connect with your DuckID and password. This will take you to your Dashboard.   
  2. Under “Accommodations” on the left side of the screen, select “Alternative Testing”. 
  3. Under “Schedule an Exam”, click the dropdown menu next to “Select Course”.   
    • If your class is not listed, your instructor hasn’t submitted a testing agreement yet. Email to let us know and we will follow up with your instructor.   
  4. Select the appropriate class and click “Schedule an Exam”.
  5. Review the Terms and Conditions of Exam Scheduling information. 
  6. Under “Exam Request”, select the exam date, enter your requested exam start time, and check the boxes for the accommodations you would like to use. Last, check whether the exam is on Canvas or paper. Click “Add Exam Request” under “Form Submission”. Exams should typically be scheduled at the same time as the class. You will generally need instructor approval to schedule the exam at a different time.  
  7. For exam requests that are submitted late (within 7 days of the exam for weeks 1-10 and after Friday of week 8 for finals), students must enter a late exam request reason before the request will go through.  
File Download these instructions for submitting exam requests along with screenshot examples here.


Deadlines for Submitting Exam Requests

For exams during weeks 1-10: Students must submit requests a week in advance. We are generally able to make late exam requests work.

For exams during finals week: Students must submit requests by the Friday of week 8 to guarantee their spot. Due to the high volume of final exams, we cannot guarantee the scheduling of late final exam requests. To avoid this, submit all your exams at the beginning of each term.


To Double Check, Modify, or Cancel an Exam Request:

  1. Log in to AEC Connect with your DuckID and password. Under “Accommodations” on the left side of the screen, select “Alternative Testing”. 
  2. All submitted exam requests will appear under “Upcoming Exams Scheduled” for the Current Term. 
  3. Click “View” next to the exam request if you would like to double check, modify, or cancel your request.  
  4. To Modify- Make any changes you need and click “Update Exam Requests”. 
  5. To Cancel- Select a cancellation reason and click “Cancel Exam Request”. 
File Download these instructions for double checking, modifying, or canceling an exam requests with screenshot examples here.


Once AEC Schedules Exam Requests:

Students and instructors will receive confirmation emails regarding exam arrangements once they have been scheduled. This will include the date, time, and location of the exam. Go directly to the Testing Center on the day/time of your exam.

We send confirmation emails one week before the exam date or as soon as the exam is scheduled if the exam is less than a week away. Additionally, a reminder email is sent to students the day before the exam.

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Instructions For Faculty/Instructors:

The Instructor Portal is a helpful tool designed to assist you in managing approved accommodations for students with disabilities enrolled in your classes. Using the portal, you can view each of your students’ notification letters in one place. Only students who are registered with AEC for accommodations and who have requested their notification letters will appear in the Instructor Portal. You will still receive notification letters and any other notices via email.

Completing a Testing Agreement:

  1. Log in to AEC Connect with your DuckID and password. This will take you to your Instructor Portal. 
  2. Click “Continue to View Student Accommodations”.   
  3. Next, click “Alternative Testing” on the left side of the screen.  
  4. Click “Testing Agreement” at the top right of the screen.  
  5. Find the course you are completing the testing agreement for and click “Specify Testing Agreement”. 
  6. Under “Available Options”, choose an option from the dropdown menu. You will choose: “AEC will proctor exams” or "I will proctor my own exams”. If your class does not have exams, please choose “My class has no exam”. Next, click “Confirm to Proceed” and “Submit your selection” at the bottom of the screen.  
  7. Complete the “List of Questions” and “Contact Information”. 
  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Update and View Exam Dates”.  
  9. Fill in the exam details for all exams that will be given this term. After each individual exam, click “Save Exam Date”. 
File Download these instructions for how to complete a testing agreement with screenshot examples here.


Modifying a Testing Agreement:

  1. Log in to AEC Connect with your DuckID and password. This will take you to your Dashboard. 
  2. Click “Continue to View Student Accommodations”.   
  3. Next, click “Alternative Testing” on the left side of the screen.  
  4. Click “Testing Agreement” at the top right of the screen.  
  5. Find the course you are modifying the testing agreement for and click “View/ Modify Testing Agreement”.
  6. Now you can make any changes you would like to the testing agreement. If you are changing the testing agreement, remember to click “Update and View Exam Dates” when you are done.  
  7. If you are adding or changing exam dates, make sure to click “Save Exam Date” when you are done.  
File Download these instructions for how to modify a testing agreement with screenshot examples here.


Uploading an Exam:

  1. Log in to AEC Connect with your DuckID and password. This will take you to your Dashboard.  
  2. Click “Continue to View Student Accommodations”.    
  3. Next, click “Alternative Testing” on the left side of the screen. 
  4. Click “Testing Agreement” at the top right of the screen.   
  5. Find the course you are uploading the exam for and click “View/ Modify Testing Agreement”.  
  6. Next, click “List Exam Dates” under the course name.  
  7. Under “List Exam Dates”, click “Modify” next to the exam date that you would like to upload the exam file to.  
  8. Please name your file and upload the exam file.  
  9. When you are done uploading, click “Update Exam Date” or “Update and Back to List Exam Dates” at the bottom of the screen.  
File Download these instructions for how to upload an exam with screenshot examples here.


Addressing Student Exam Requests Outside Parameters Outlined in Testing Agreement:

If you specify in your Testing Agreement that students must schedule exam requests on a certain day/time, you will receive an email any time a student submits a request outside those parameters. AEC will never assume that it is okay to schedule an exam request contrary to your instructions. Please respond to these emails as soon as possible to not hold up the exam scheduling process.

  1. You will receive an email titled “[AEC] ACTION NEEDED: Exam Request Outside Testing Agreement Parameters”. 
  2. Open email and click “Review Exam Request”.  
  3. If you would like to approve the alternative time chosen by the student, click “Approve Exam Request”. If you would like the student to reschedule, click “Propose Rescheduling”. 
File Download these instructions for how to address exam requests outside testing agreement parameters with screenshot examples here.


Add a New Instructor (e.g. GE, TA, etc.) to a Course:

Accommodation information is strictly confidential. Only add those on a true need-to-know basis, such as a GE that administers exams for you. Anyone added as an instructor will have access to student accommodation requests in that course, and will receive future notification letters and exam requests.

  1. Log in to AEC Connect with your DuckID and password. This will take you to your Dashboard. 
  2. Click “Continue to View Student Accommodations”.   
  3. Next, click “Add Instructor” on the left side of the screen.  
  4. Select the class you would like to add an instructor to. Under “Type”, select the dropdown to add an additional instructor to the course or replace all instructors with the new instructor. Input the new instructor’s name and email address. Click “Add Instructor”.  
  5. AEC receives requests to add instructors and will approve within 1-2 business days. 
File Download these instructions for how to add a new instructor to a course with screenshot examples here.


View Student Accommodations:

  1. Log in to AEC Connect with your DuckID and password. This will take you to your Dashboard.    
  2. Click “Continue to View Student Accommodations”.  
  3. Find the section under “Students Who Requested Accommodations” that says: “Export Data: Students”. 
  4. Select “View” for each student. 
  5. Here you will be able to view each student’s accommodations for the term.
  6. Instructors can also search through the list of students who have requested accommodations by clicking the “Refine Search” button under the “Students Who Requested Accommodations” section. 
  7. Lists can be exported to Excel by expanding the “Export Data: Students” tab. By default, all cancelled requests will be excluded but that can be changed via the dropdown. 
File Download instructions for viewing student accommodations with screenshot examples here.

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