Graduate and Law Students

AEC support is available to all UO students with disabilities, including graduate and law students. 

Academic Accommodations

AEC supports equitable access to academics through individualized plans for reasonable accommodations. Dedicated staff for graduate and law students can help you to figure out what academic accommodations, if any, might work for you. 

The first step to receiving reasonable accommodations for your academic responsibilities is to make an appointment with an AEC Access Advisor to discuss your situation. At this appointment, the Access Advisor will ask about your educational and medical history, current concerns, and anticipated areas of support. You will review any documentation of disability at this appointment. If you do not have current documentation, you are still encouraged to meet with an Access Advisor.

Frequently Asked Questions – Academic Accommodations

I have a disability but am not sure if I need accommodations. Should I register with the AEC? 

Not all students with disabilities need academic accommodations, but if you do, or might, do not wait to register! It is better to have accommodations and not need them than need them and not have them.

What are some differences between academic accommodations for undergraduate students and graduate students? 

Academic accommodations are individualized to each student and their academic responsibilities. Graduate students often participate in a wide variety of assistantships and professional opportunities outside of the traditional classroom that are often unavailable to undergraduate and non-degree seeking students. More specifically, because graduate study can include responsibilities such as teaching, research in labs or the field, or could be connected with grants, some accommodations require careful planning and communication to assess and determine what is reasonable.

Do academic accommodations apply to comprehensive exams (oral, written, exam comps)?

Accommodations may be available for oral presentation, written, exam, and other types of comps. Access Advisors will speak to registered students with disabilities about their specific needs, classes, comps, exams, and other academic requirements to determine what reasonable accommodations may be available.

Do accommodations apply to clinical settings or external placements (EP)? 

Students can work with their Access Advisor to discuss reasonable accommodations for an external placement (EP). An EP is a required internship, clerkships, field work, practicum, clinicals, or rotations, or otherwise experience that is attached to a specific course or program. An EP satisfies a university degree, and at times, licensure requirements. EP’s ordinarily are not paid and students are not considered employees of the third party organization. For more information, visit our webpage on Clinicals/Internships/Externships.

Will future employers know that I had accommodations at the University of Oregon? 

AEC does not disclose disability accommodation information to future employers, unless the student or former student has specifically requested and consented to AEC providing that information or AEC becomes legally required to disclose it.

Employment Accommodations

While AEC supports academic access, Human Resources (HR) manages reasonable accommodations related to responsibilities as a Graduate Employee (GE) or student worker. Accommodations related to disability, religion, and pregnancy as it applies to your employment can be arranged through HR. The first step is to contact Workplace ADA. Send questions to or (541) 346-3159.

Frequently Asked Questions – Employment Accommodations

Does AEC support accommodations for Graduate Employee (GE) positions? 

No. The AEC supports accommodations for UO graduate students in their capacity as a student. If a graduate student is seeking accommodations related to their graduate employment, they should contact Workplace ADA. GE positions can include teaching, research, or other GE opportunities in which you are receiving compensation.

Why are there two different processes for student and workplace accommodations? 

In short, the accommodations needed for students with disabilities in the academic learning environment are often different from the accommodations needed in the workplace. Academic accommodations are intended to ensure students have equal access to education. Workplace accommodations are intended to ensure individuals are able to perform the essential functions of their position and have equal access to employment and appointment opportunities. These assessments are different. In addition, these two different accommodation processes fall under different sections of the ADA (Titles I and II); the University’s Title I obligations are overseen by Workplace ADA.

Do I have to go through both AEC and HR processes? 

Only if you have a disability-related need for both academic accommodations related to your coursework and workplace accommodations related to your employment. 

Additional Resources

Graduate Students

The Division of Graduate Studies is a resource to students in navigating various situations as a graduate student. Email the Division of Graduate Studies for support at

Law Students

The Student Success team at the Law School works closely with the AEC in implementing approved accommodations. Law students seeking accommodations would begin by scheduling an appointment with the AEC. For additional support and more information, contact Antonia Keithahn, Accommodations and Student Affairs Manager at