
Tulips on campus
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Accessible Education Center!

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Working With AEC

Learn more about what we do and who we work with,
as well as what you can expect during an advising appointment.

AEC YouTube Playlist



Highlighting Engagement


Accessible Education Center paves the way for students

UO students who qualify for help have always relied on the AEC for accommodations, such as extended testing time, more flexible class policies, note taking or in-person assistance to aid their learning styles. This term, staff members are working on new ways to ensure all students get a quality education.

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Faculty Excellence in Universal Design Award

Excellence in Universal Design involves the development of flexible curriculum and instruction to ensure equity and access for all learners. The award recipient will receive $1,000.


Faculty Excellence Award


Accessibility Ally Program at the AEC

This program is an opportunity for the UO to increase awareness related to disability and develop skills and knowledge to act as an ally for accessibility and inclusion. Our mission is to create a network of allies committed to eliminating the attitudinal, physical, and curricular barriers experienced by students with disabilities.

Ally Information


Accessibility at the University of Oregon

The AEC is dedicated to facilitating and supporting accessible education through access and full inclusion of students with disabilities into the university environment. This is accomplished through effective collaborations/consultations with faculty/staff, proactive advising, and the fostering of systemic campus change. The AEC works to create and sustain physical, curricular, and informational environments that are informed by and responsive to the diverse characteristics and experiences of students with disabilities and variations of ability.

Learn about Our Supports & Services